
Want to Learn DFP?

You have a small website and just have set up DFP but you do not know how to use the system for your advertising needs?

You work in an Ad Agency and need to understand Ad Operations and Trafficking more?

You have heard that there are many Ad Traffickers openings and you want to work as an Ad Trafficker and need a training?

You are on the right place

Online Advertising Industry is growing rapidly and more and more openings are there, especially in NY, SF,LA.

Please, take a look at this trend, Ad Trafficker job market is growing and there is more and more demand.

Here is a typical Ad Ops Training Outlines

1. Introduction - Agencies, Advertisers, DFP Publishers relationship
2. Integration of Partner Web Sites in DFP
3. DFP known issues, DFP support relationship
4. Ad Trafficker Day to Day activities
5. 3rd Parties Relationship
6. 3rd Parties Technicalities
7. Tagging
8. Industry Tendency-new technologies available
9. Ad Operation Executive Director Role
10. Best 10 companies to work for
11. Final exam/testing